Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How do I get seen at Cork Diabetes and Endocrinology Clinic?

A GP referral letter is necessary as close co-operation with your GP is key to successful outcomes.


  1. How long will I be waiting to be seen?

Most people are seen within a month of the letter being received, but emergency cases can be seen sooner.


  1. Will I meet Dr O’Sullivan or Dr. Durkan?

This will depend to whom the GP referral letter is addressed. Dr O'Sullivan and Dr Durkan each have areas of particular interest/speciality, so it makes sense to be seen by the appropriate person relating to your underlying condition. If you have a preference, simply ask your GP to make out the referral letter to that consultant.


  1. How long will my consultation take?

This varies depending on the complexity of the case, but most consultations last between 20 and 30 minutes.


  1. What information should I bring with me to the appointment?

A list of medications you are taking including the doses and if possible a list of your medical history. This is often included in the GP letter, but it is always good to double-check!


  1. If I have diabetes, do I need to meet the diabetes nurse specialist and dietician also?

This depends on each individual case. Some people will have met a dietician in the community already and therefore won’t automatically need a dietetic review. Any requirement for diabetes nurse review will be assessed at the consultation with the consultant. Both of these services are based in the Bon Secours Hospital which is beside the Cork Clinic.


  1. How much will it cost?

Appointments with Dr O’Sullivan and Dr. Durkan cost the same and this information can be obtained by ringing their secretaries at the number on the website.

Referal to diabetes nurse specialist and dietician will be arranged by Dr O’Sullivan or Dr Durkan if needed through the Diabetes Unit in the Bon Secours Hospital.


  1. How frequently will I need to be seen?

This depends on the complexity of the case, but every effort is made to minimise visits by managing as much as possible over the phone and by email.


  1. Do I need health insurance to be seen?

No. Many health insurances policies do not pay for out-patient visits (though often there is an excess above which fees are covered and the fees can be claimed back against tax). As a result some people without health insurance decide to attend as they feel the benefits of the service are worth the cost.


  1. Will my ability to attend my GP for the new two free visits a year for a diabetes check be affected by attending the Cork Diabetes and Endocrinology Clinic?

No. This scheme (which is only available for those with medical cards or GP visit cards) can be availed of and is not affected in any way by attendance at the Cork Diabetes and Endocrinology Clinic.


  1. Do I need to get blood tests done before my visit?

If it’s a first visit, the GP will usually have done the basic blood tests and if more are required these are usually requested to be done by your GP and the results sent back to us here to allow us contact you with them.

For those attending on a regular basis, there is a Diabetes Package of blood and urine assessment and thyroid blood tests which can be taken in the Bon Secours with a form provided by Dr O’Sullivan or Dr Durkan. 


  1. Will my GP be informed about our consultation?

Yes. A comprehensive letter will be sent to your GP detailing the consultation including diagnosis and management plan.


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